St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

Year 5

Miss Barrow
Year 5 Share and Shine
Year 5 Poetry Mornings


Knowledge Organisers

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - RE - Family - Ourselves

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - English Reading and Writing

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Maths - Place Value 1

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Science

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Geography

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Music

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Computing - AI and Sound

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Art and Design

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - MFL

KS2 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - PE - Hockey

KS2 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - PE - Football 

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - RE - Belonging

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - RE - Advent

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - English Reading and Writing

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Maths - Place Value 3

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Science

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Computing - Video

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Art and Design

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Geography

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Music

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - MFL

KS2 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - PE - Gymnastics

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - RE - Mission

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - English Reading and Writing

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Multiplication and Division

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Science

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Computing - Programming

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Music

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Design & Technology

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - MFL

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - History

KS2 Knowledge Organiser - PE - Netball

KS2 Knowledge Organiser - PE - Basketball

Spelling Lists

Year 5 Spelling List

Support for Phonics and Reading


Tasks to be Completed at Home (Remote Learning)

If you have any safeguarding concerns during the school closure period with regard online learning please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Hadfield) at school on 0161 643 3271 or via email

In the event of a school  closure this section will be used to assign class work.

Latest News

Year 5

  • Year 5 Children’s Mental Health Week
  • Year 5 have really enjoyed their practical maths lesson exploring the concept of square numbers
  • Here are Year 5 exploring different pitches in their music lesson with Mrs Walsh.
  • Year 5 have taken part in an NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe workshop. Well done Year 5 for being so sensible
  • Year 5 and 6 led us through a thoughtful Advent reflection this afternoon. We read from the Gospel and offered our Advent promises to God as we prepare for the coming of Jesus.
  • Year 5 took some time to get closer to God with a meditation session.
  • Year 5 celebrated World Mental Health day today.
  • Year 5 Stay and Pray
  • As part of our Topic, Year 5 went to Whit Brook River. The children identified the different features of the river and used ipads to take photographs. The children will use these to label the features of a river and to inform their ark work.
  • Super Math learning in Year 5
  • Year 5 are getting ready for life in Year 6! They met their new teacher today. Let the hard work being!!!
  • A big congratulations to Year 5 who are all award winners this week! Well done
  • Year 5 had a fantastic day at Quarry Bank Mill. Their behaviour was exceptional and they were a credit to our school.
  • Today the volunteers have been out with the pupils from St. John Fisher RC Primary School. The pupils were helping us sow wildflowers on the patch of land near the school at the top of Stanycliffe Lane.
  • The children had an amazing Enterprise Week.
  • The children have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. Bringing in their favourite books and dressing up in pyjamas. Well done children
  • @jasinbath and the talented illustrator @AFatimaharan Children created some fantastic alternative characters to familiar traditional tales
  • Year 5 - Music Children have been identifying high pitch and low pitch notes. They have worked extremely hard playing new notes. Keep up the good work children.
  • Year 5 - Career Related Learning HSBC delivered an informative workshop today discussing the importance of budgeting money. Children looked at different scenarios and thought about which option would be the best price and why.
  • A beautiful prayer and liturgy session this afternoon. Children sang a hymn, wrote prayers, read scripture from the Bible and had a moment of silence to think about the mission Jesus had.
  • Year 5 reflected on the importance of role missionaries play in society. We understand the importance of preaching the gospel to the whole human race
  • Year 5 and Year 6 for together to read and reflect on the second week of Advent. We thought about the significance of the Bethlehem candle and how we can prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus.
  • This week children have been understanding the meaning of the Advent Wreath
  • A Halloween afternoon web quest for Year 5 today. The children have searched the WWW to find answers to amazing Halloween questions. Well done children.
  • Year 5 had a super busy afternoon in Computing. The children worked very hard on their class topic by making a speech bubble picture with the features of a river. Two Kahoots, one about rivers and another about Halloween. Well done to all winners.
  • Year 5 have used the video-based storytelling tool Plotagon to tell their audience all about Mount Everest. Using such facts as Mount Everest is 60 million Years old and the youngest climber was only 13 years old! Well done Year 5.
  • Very proud of our Year 5 today. Exploring and planning for their animation unit this term. Today the children have learnt that the word animation means ‘to give life to’. By the end of this term Year 5 will create their own animated cartoon.
  • Almost ready for Year 6!!! Year 5 had a moment of reflection today as they wrote and read Prayers of Intention for their new class #SJFY5prayer
  • Year 5 have been designing their very own Minecraft Characters today. They did very well!
  • Year 5 are using the coding app Pyonkee. They have used Pyonkee to paint an Ancient Greek artefact and turn this into a sprite. Lastly they have coded their sprite.
  • Year 5 had a wonderful afternoon taking part in the sport of fencing. Fencing is an exciting, fast paced sport. Year 5 learned the rules of fencing and thoroughly enjoyed their time.
  • Year 5 are pictured here using Kodu to enhance their code learning.
  • Year 5 have been playing Kahoots today. Kahoots are fun and engaging learning in the form of a quiz.
  • Year 5 have been practicing their times tables using the wonderful Hit the Button.
  • Year 5 children investigating paper and computerised databases. The children have been learning that databases are made up of records and fields and have started to discover how to search a computerised database.
  • Today Year 5 could only communicate through their class blog today. A very quiet Year 5.
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